Maestro Wireless GPS receiver Catalog
With the mission to support our customers in implementing GPS functionality into their systems, Maestro Wireless Solutions is now offering a distinct product portfolio to address a wide area of location applications.These range from traditional telematics solutions to latest highly integrated consumer devices, all of them having their special requirements toward a GPS module. Based on SiRFstarIII and also SiRFstarIV chip sets, Maestro Wireless Solutions GPS module solutions address different specific needs and combine high performance, low power consumption, and simplified integration effort. Our modules comply with the RoHS standard and are 100% electrically and functionally tested prior to packaging, thereby assuring the guarantee of the highest quality products.
The A2235-H is Maestro’s next generation of active GPS module, integrating a cost effective GPS receiver with an on-board patch antenna judiciously assembled above the components for an optimally small 17.8 x 16.5 mm footprint.
The A2200-A GPS receiver modules enable fastest acquisition and tracking with the latest SiRFstarIV technology. This small form-factor module fully addresses the demand for lowest power consumption with, amongst other features, SiRFaware technology.
The A2035-H is Maestro Wireless Solutions answer to the most critical challenges in the GPS market: high integration, high performance, and a reduce time to market. The combination of a fully enhanced SiRFStar IV GPS engine and a custom-made high…
A 2100-A/B
The A2100 GPS modules enable fastest acquisition and tracking with the latest SiRFstarIV technology. With module versions supporting either 3.3V or 1.8V there is an appropriate solution for all telematics and power-sensitive mobile consumer application devices. In any case the…
The Ultimate SiRFstarIII Module With the A1084 modules Maestro Wireless Solutions launches its most sophisticated SiRFstarIII-based GPS receivers. The modules feature not only a very low power consumption - a must in many systems today - but have a focus…
A 1035-H
Cost-efficient and complete - An SMT GPS antenna module The Answer To All GPS Questions With the new GPS antenna module A1035-H Maestro answers the most important questions of today's GPS applications: High performance in combination with new features at…
A 1080-A/B
Benchmarking GPS performance Developed to set the benchmark in GPS performance and power consumption, this SiRFStar III-based GPS receiver is ideally suited for every kind of positioning application. It offers a small footprint and its design supports fast integration. Half-vias…
GPS Cockpit
Maestro Wireless Solutions’s user-friendly NMEA sentence interpreter program for Windows operating systems. GPS Cockpit allows a quick glance at GPS data, monitors and logs these data, displays them in a graphical way and even provides statistical information.